guide to

social distancing and health precautions were observed during the making of this film : )
"Instead of giving up on the face of adversity, you should face it with a positive attitude and smile"
- Anurag Prakash Ray
Challenge of the Day!
6/03-6/04: Your Challenge for today is Song Writing! We want you to write a song about anything you enjoy. You have until Thursday night to get your song submitted to People who participate will have their song showcased on the site, and win a prize! Have fun :)
About Us
We're the South Hills Middle School Leadership Class
We know how uncertain and uncharted life is right now, but we're here to help! With fun activities, challenges, games, and spotlights for elementary-aged students, uplifting quotes and book and movie recommendations for older students, and resources for parents to help them in doing at home school, we're hoping to brighten your day and put you at ease! We've also set up opportunities for families to get involved in the community and write letters to the healthcare workers and the immunocompromised who are dealing with the brunt of this pandemic. Get busy, get involved, and HAVE FUN!