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Parent Resources

There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.

 - Sue Atkins

#1 - gives many helpful tips and tricks to schooling your children at home. It provides advice from a real teacher, along with links and videos that might help you along your journey.


#2 -

GMA helps you to help your kids to stay focused and productive. It provides tips and instruction on how to set up a schedule that will best fit with your child's learning style


#3 -

Family app will help you find your ground if you're still struggling to put everything in order. It gives some helpful words of encouragement that may be just what you need!



National School Choice Week gives many, many different resources and educational games and websites for you to use.


Need a good smile?

Check out John Krasinski's Some Good News!

#5 - episode 1

#6 - Episode 2

#7 - Episode 3

#8 - episode 4

#9 - episode 5

Hope this helped! If you have any suggestions on what to add, make sure to contact us and let us know!

#8 - episode 6

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